Looking for some Palaye Royale songs to share with your friends? Are you a new listener looking for something to start with? Then here’s our recommendations for essential Palaye Royale listening.

First let’s start with “Broken” an excellent video that has a strong punk-victorian visual element mixed together to something undeniably cool. The lyrics are also well delivered telling a story of someone who tries to be the perfect person for another but just can’t quite match up. And be sure to enjoy the excellent instrumentation.

Next, check out “Fever Dream” which the band says is the first time in a long time that the band’s music had a strong element of hope within it. The strong lyrics and voice work are defiant in a way that inspires listeners with some impactful lyrics if you listen.

Finally be sure to check out “Punching Bag” which is hard hitting, honest, and full of angst. It’s a song that has a strong defiant feel to it that screams from the amazing guitar riffs and the excellent voice work on display.